Reflections of a Jiujiteiro: the Stoic

Reflections of a Jiujiteiro: the Stoic

The image of the Zen philosopher is the monk up in the green, quiet hills, or in a beautiful temple on some rocky cliff. The Stoics are the antithesis of this idea. Instead, they are the man in the marketplace, the senator in the Forum, the brave wife waiting for her soldier to return from…

Reflections of a Jiujiteiro: just show up

Reflections of a Jiujiteiro: just show up

Maybe it was time to think of happiness as something that I had gained and could never lose. It wasn’t something that I had to re-win over and over again.” ~Tom DeBlass, “How You Bear It” I just finished Professor Tom DeBlass’ book, How You Bear It, and I’m glad I made it through this…
