Reflection of a Jiujiteiro: ambition

Reflection of a Jiujiteiro: ambition

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” ~Theodore Roosevelt, as cited in “Tribe of Mentors” The path to success is paved differently for each traveler. As said traveler, the question is not how do I become successful, but what does success mean to me? I sit here writing this reflection with…

Reflections of a Jiujiteiro: momentum

Reflections of a Jiujiteiro: momentum

“The weakest ink is better than the strongest memory.” ~Chinese Proverb In the end, all we have is our family. This is the mantra I live by, family first. It’s not always perfect, wholesome, or adventurous, but the moments shared with my family will always be priceless. Enough of the Hallmark verbiage, time to get…
