Reflections of a Jiujiteiro: Perfection

Perfection is the enemy of progress.” ~Winston Churchill

Greetings family and friends, the summer has come to a close and the kids are back at school for another year of academic growth. I was also able to celebrate another birthday with my amazing family. Now 41-years young, I’m ready for what lies ahead. There are so many things on the horizon, many of them will be challenging, but many of them will be setting the foundation for our family’s move back to Illinois post-retirement.

Looking back at last year’s me, I have no regrets of what I’ve experienced or failed to achieve. The daily grind is real as a military professional, family man, and Jiu-jitsu enthusiast. The routine will continue to bring me towards my goals, whether they are attained this year, or years down the road. There is no shame in coming up short when you’re putting in work.

I planned to have six more tournaments under my belt, two more properties in the portfolio, and work started toward property management certifications to prepare for life after the military at this point. Instead I have had to curtail training and work toward my post-retirement focus because of a few outliers. Setbacks come when you are trying to create something meaningful.

Used as a metaphor, I’m showcasing this photo replacing the rear-differential of my 2002 Chevy Silverado with the help and knowledge of my friend Kyle. This took twelve hours of blood, sweat, and patience. Things often look great on the surface, but the struggle you work through in the process makes the completed projects truly priceless.

A Pivotal Framework

My wife and I continue to plan our future as each day brings us closer to the next phase of our lives. We were close to purchasing our next home in Forest Park, Illinois, which would have closed Aug. 15 if our lenders didn’t change the business rules on us. We are not bitter … well anymore, but this caused a shift in our long-range transition plan and dynamic shift when we move back to the midwest. The best plan goes to hell on first contact with reality, so they say.

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” ~Benjamin Franklin

The value of education is not the size of the salary, but the options available when you complete your academic program. Due to this wrinkle, Claudia has decided to get credentialed in Illinois and go back to practicing medicine while I take over managing our property management company, Class Capital. Once we strengthen our war chest, Claudia will attend law school as was the original plan. The military calls a modified Operations Order (OPORD) and Fragmentary order (FRAGO). This dynamic shift, will no doubt be one of many FRAGOs yet to come.

Dominic and Brianna began the new school year in 3rd and 1st grades at Fort Liberty, N.C., Aug. 21, 2023. I never take for granted being able to see my kids off to the first day of school. It’s a blessing to share this experience with them and reinforces that we are in their corners as they face the new school year.

Fundamentals of Learning

I wish there was a reality show focused on parents taking their kids to the first day of school. If it focused on the preparation, gathering the school supplies, the kids meeting their new teachers for the first time, and going through the morning battle drill to get them to the front door it would be brilliant. I remember seeing a fellow parent in the trenches physically throw her daughter to the vice principal so she can be on her way to work. The truth of the matter is us parents are learning alongside our kids each day of their growth.

Brianna makes her sales pitch on TikTok, @dombrishop, for Dominic and Brianna’s Ebay Store, Sept. 1, 2023.

Claudia has been giving our little ones blocks of instruction on how to become entrepreneurs. Check out @dombrishop on TikTok for amazing deals on Dominic and Brianna’s Ebay Store,, for great deals on gently used apparel. I can’t make this stuff up, did not have this crash course in business when I was in elementary school. Dominic is also on his way to starting an automotive headlight restoration company. Be on the look out for “Headlight Haven” coming to the scene.

The most valuable lessons in life cannot be taught, they must be experienced.” ~Liam Payne

Me and Darryl take a selfie after an impromptu training session at ZR Team NC in Spring Lake, N.C., Sept. 2, 2023. We drilled and flow rolled on Saturday focusing on the fundamentals making each other one-percent better in our craft.

Accountability Partners

With all the demands of work and family something has to give. Mat time has been a scarcity these past few weeks. For the purist Jiu-jitsu practitioners out there, I agree with the sentiment there is always time to train. However, I will have to defer to advice I heard from a financial guru in the past:

People first, then money, then things.” ~Suze Orman

Life is a habitual state of experiencing feast and famine throughout your experiences. I am thankful to a fellow mat-rat, Darryl, who did me a solid and help me train when I jacked up my schedule this past weekend. Knowing he was going to go into the gauntlet in the next hour he helped me train some of my weaknesses and tighten up my Laso-guard game so I could work up a sweat.

Time is the most important commodity to any sort of professional. Schedules are rigid and when reality kicks you in the teeth, your time is often the first form of payment required. Being able to squeeze in a training session before a trip was money and was a true testament to Darryl’s character as a training partner. Small acts of kindness sparks others, and I’m looking forward to paying it forward to someone down the road. I’ve been fortunate to have found amazing people in my communal circles throughout my life. So if you didn’t know, the little things you do for others, often make the strongest impressions. In short, stay the course, no matter how much longer or imperfect the journey may be. It will all be worth it in the end. One Team, one Family! ~Doc
